Pedagogies of Belonging: Lessons from Refugee Education for Times of Uncertainty


28 february 2022

Refugee REACH director Sarah Dryden-Peterson of the Harvard Graduate School of Education examines lessons from the field of refugee education for times of uncertainty, including current and future pandemics.

For many young people, especially those who experience marginalization and including refugees, uncertainty in education is not new. Yet the Covid-19 pandemic made more visible for more people how uncertainty shapes education. Importantly, rather than conceiving of uncertainty as only a negative state to circumvent, educators, students, and families were forced to reckon with the idea that uncertainty is increasingly unavoidable and that we must find ways to learn from and within it.

Expanding on conceptualizations of the resonance of lessons from refugee education from early in the Covid-19 pandemic and drawing on newer empirical findings, this essay outlines three elements of “pedagogies of belonging:” pedagogies of predictability, adaptability, and future-building.

Citation (APA): Dryden-Peterson, Sarah. (2023). Pedagogies of Belonging: Lessons from Refugee Education for Times of Uncertainty. In The COVID Generation, Children and Youth in and after the Pandemic: Responding to the World Crisis (edited by Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco), Editrice Vaticana.